Damages, 2016 Revision

Available Now!

Damages will help you:

  • Evaluate a case quickly and competently.
  • Analyze both plaintiff and defense strategies in damage claims.
  • Determine the types of damage awards and remedies available to your client.

From compensatory damages to punitive damages to nonmonetary remedies, the award of damages is what brings your client to the civil courtroom. Damages is your essential resource to determine the types of damage awards and remedies that may be available to your client.

Table of Contents:

  1. Compensatory Damages
  2. Nominal Damages
  3. Punitive Damages
  4. Pain and Suffering
  5. Mental Distress
  6. Loss of Earnings and Earning Capacity
  7. Medical Expenses
  8. Impaired Living Capacity
  9. Contributory Negligence and Comparative Fault
  10. Loss of Service
  11. Wrongful Death
  12. Defamation and Invasion of Privacy
  13. Civil Rights and Employment Discrimination
  14. False Imprisonment
  15. Interference with Contractual and Business Relations
  16. Securities Laws
  17. Physical Injury To or Loss of Chattels
  18. Dispossession of Personal Property
  19. Invasions of Real Property, Including Environmental Damage
  20. Condemnation
  21. Tortious Injury to Property in Admiralty
  22. The Standard Fire Insurance Policy and other Direct-Loss Policies
  23. Contracts for the Sale of Goods
  24. Employment Contracts
  25. Construction Contracts
  26. Land Sale Contracts
  27. Special Damages for Breach of Contract
  28. Loss of Profits
  29. Liquidated Damages
  30. Attorney Fees and Costs
  31. Prejudgment Interest
  32. Mitigation of Damages
  33. Collateral Benefits and the Collateral-Source Rule
  34. Additur and Remittitur

Order your copy today by visiting our online bookstore.  You may also contact our CLE Service Center at (503) 431-6413 or 1-800-452-8260, ext. 413.

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