Stops and Frisks in Oregon

The 2022 revision of Criminal Law in Oregon is scheduled to release in December. The chapter on Stop and Frisk is written by Laura Fine and excerpted here. The chapter will be as up-to-date as possible upon publication, including caveats and note regarding legislation that become effective after it is in print. This excerpt includes links to the public pages of the Fastcase online database.

To read the full chapter, log into the BarBooks™ online library or preorder a copy of the print publication or eBook download from our online bookstore. Continue reading

Criminal Law in Oregon, 2022 Revision, Now Available for Preorder

The newly revised three-volume Criminal Law in Oregon is an essential resource for Oregon lawyers who practice criminal law. Topics covered in this comprehensive resource range from search and seizure to postconviction proceedings, and everything in between. Drawing on the wisdom of the experts, this book will save you time and resources. In addition to serving as the chief reference guide on criminal law for Oregon judges, defense lawyers, and prosecutors, Criminal Law in Oregon is an invaluable resource for civil practitioners who handle the occasional criminal law case. Continue reading