BarBooks Webinar

We relaunched the BarBooks™ online library on a new platform on June 8, 2022. Many members and subscribers dived right in and started using the new platform without any trouble. Others have struggled to navigate the change. Whether you fall in the first category, the second category, or somewhere in between, the BarBooks Ins and Outs webinar scheduled for November 30, noon to 1:00 p.m. will help you make the most of your BarBooks research experience.

Linda Kruschke, Legal Publications Manager, will provide a live demonstration of BarBooks, navigating attendees through:

  • searching all books and understanding the search results
  • finding what you need from the homepage
  • navigating the expandable and collapsible table of contents within a book
  • searching within a single book
  • downloading form sets and individual forms
  • downloading PDFs
  • printing selected sections of a book
  • how to use public Notes and create private Notes

This one-hour webinar will include live chat Q&A, so bring your questions. If you already have a question you would like covered that you think your colleagues would also like the answer to, feel free to comment on this blog post and we will try to address them in the main presentation.

This webinar is complimentary and approved for 1 Practical Skills MCLE credit. 

Register here even if you can’t make it on November 30. You will have 60 days from that date to access the replay.

Support Staff Accounts

Do you have support staff who you would like to have access to BarBooks? You can purchase a staff account subscription for them. The cost is currently $50 per year, running from the date of purchase for one full year. That price will be going up to $60 per year on January 1, 2023, so purchase or renew–that’s a savings of almost 20%! Those who have support staff accounts are also welcome to attend the complimentary webinar.

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