BarBooks by the Numbers

BarBooks graphic of tablet screen and books.The BarBooks™ online library is one of the highest rated member benefits that the Oregon State Bar offers to its membership. Members can also purchase subscriptions for their support staff.

BarBooks is a subscription product for the three Oregon law schools and the PCC paralegal program, so that all students and faculty can access this important resource. Some professors have assigned one of the BarBooks titles as part of their course materials.

It is also available for county law libraries with a new system that allows librarians to issue temporary tokens to library patrons so that they can access BarBooks on any device, whether in the library or not.

Because of it’s accessibility and far-ranging use, BarBooks serves as an excellent access to justice measure of the Oregon State Bar. But just how much use does this resource get? The numbers are quite impressive. Here are the stats since the launch date of the new platform on June 8, 2022 through November 21, 2022.

  • OSB members who have logged in: 5,881
  • Law libraries with accounts: 23
  • Students who have logged in: 431
  • Total visits: 85,525
  • Total pageviews: 792,324
  • Total searches: 87,417
  •  Top 5 books accessed & pageviews of each:
    • Civil Pleading and Litigation: 75,688
    • Family Law: 60,834
    • Administering Oregon Estates: 44,879
    • Uniform Criminal Jury Instructions: 34,646
    • Torts: 33,158

Every day new users join the ranks of those utilizing this award-winning legal resource written by and for Oregon lawyers.